Body map Wrist and hand conditions

Wrist and hand conditions

Many people can experience wrist and hand pain at some stage in our lives, but did you know that carpal tunnel syndrome is common during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester?

Book an osteo appointment to talk about pain in your wrist or hand

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Common wrist and hand conditions

The wrist and hands have many small bones, joints and other tissues. Your wrist or hand problems may be influenced by other parts of your body. Your osteo is highly trained to look at your whole body – to look at the links between your pain and the movements, strength and flexibility of your hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder and even your upper back.

Patient resources

Your osteopath may prescribe strengthening and stretching exercises to help relieve pain and recover from injury.

They may also provide you with some education or strategies you can use to help minimise pain and prevent your injury happening again. This may include:

  • Ice therapy for pain and swelling
  • Ergonomic advice about your workplace (e.g. mouse/keyboard, positioning of your chair and desk)
  • Advice about how to manage your day to day activities (e.g. cleaning, lifting, shopping, sports etc)
  • Taping, bracing, or supportive devices

If needed, your osteo may refer to you a doctor for further assessment.

WATCH the team at Move Osteopathy demonstrate some exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome:

Arthritis Queensland has specific information about hand and wrist arthritis.


What the evidence says

Hand and arm clinical exercises may relieve pain, improve hand and arm movement for adults with carpel tunnel syndrome (Muller et al 2004).

Laser treatments may relieve pain, numbness and improve nerve strength for adults with carpel tunnel syndrome (Muller et al 2004).


Muller, M., et al ‘Effectiveness of hand-therapy interventions in primary management of carpel tunnel syndrome: a systematic review’, J Hand Ther (2004) Apr-Jun;17(2)

Muller, M., et al ‘Effectiveness of hand-therapy interventions in primary management of carpel tunnel syndrome: a systematic review’, J Hand Ther (2004) Apr-Jun;17(2)