Don’t live with dizziness and vertigo

Dizziness and vertigo are disorienting feelings that frequently create feelings of anxiety. Understanding the causes of these sensations can lead to effective solutions, bringing back stability to your life through treatment and rehabilitation.

But what’s the difference between dizziness and vertigo?

The sensation of dizziness can be described in many ways such as a light headedness, rocking, swaying, on a boat, or feeling off balance, while vertigo is the sensation that either you or the room is spinning.

Dizziness is one of the most common reasons why someone will visit the doctor’s office. Seventy percent of people are likely to experience dizziness at some stage in their lives and it is estimated that 15% of the population has dizziness with the prevalence increasing as they age.

Dizziness and vertigo can be intermittent (this means they may come and go) or they may be constant. Paying attention to what may aggravate or ease your symptoms will be helpful in narrowing down an accurate diagnosis.

Dizziness and vertigo conditions require a practitioner to have additional training and experience to diagnose and manage these conditions, when looking for an osteopath, ensure they have advanced training in this area. An osteopath may perform assessments including:

  • Repositioning and manipulation manoeuvres
  • Vestibular assessment screening and tests, such as gaze stabilisation exercises
  • Balance tests
  • Gait assessment
  • Neck and jaw assessment

Treatment will depend on the cause of your dizziness or vertigo as different conditions require different treatments.

Find an advanced osteopathy practitioner to help manage your dizziness or vertigo today.

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