Move more every day for a healthier you

Move more every day for a healthier you

August 6, 2024

We all know exercise is important; it’s emphasised at every stage of our lives. It can help us stay healthy, feel better, and even reduce pain and stress. But when you’re stuck at a desk, in a chair, or in a car, what exactly can you do to add a little movement to your day?

Here are seven ways to move more every day:

  1. Do the 40:15:5: Sit for 40 minutes. Stand for 15 minutes. Move for 5 minutes. Every hour. Make every minute count.
  2. Making calls? Walk and talk.
  3. Downtime in front of the telly? Tune in and tone up. Exercise and stretch while you watch your favourite show.
  4. Take public transport? Get off one stop earlier.
  5. Making a coffee? Try marching, stretching, and moving your body as the kettle boils.
  6. Getting the mail? Do a few laps up and down the driveway.
  7. Need low impact? Hop in the local pool and walk laps or swim.

By incorporating daily movement into your routine, you unlock a world of benefits for your body – from improved circulation and flexibility to strengthened joints and muscles and enhanced mental clarity. Embrace regular movement and discover a healthier, happier you!

Osteopaths can provide information, advice, and education to help you manage your pain and injury appropriately and improve your general health and well-being.

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